During a commemoration ceremony of his death, a bonfire was lit and the flames turned into what many say was a likeness of JP2 raising his hands in a blessing (see picture); however moments later the revellers were reminded that firey images come from the pits of hell and the raised hand was more likely a cry for help.
A local man was quoted as saying, "The bonfire was lit and a strange smell appeared in the air. We thought it was petrol at first, but then we realised it was the foul stench of brimstone direct from the pits of hell. When the Pope's image appeared in the flames the smell was so bad I vomited all over the old lady standing in front of me."
Officials at the Vatican were unprepared to comment on this publicly, but privately are believed to be concerned about the comdemnation of JP2's eternal soul to live in the anus on Beelzebub and are requesting that all believers give all of their worldy belongings to to Scientologists as they appear to be having all the luck at the moment.