Thursday 4 October 2007

"Wait 'til I get my meat-hook..."

Comedy TD, and professional slug-balancer, Willie O'Dea has been accused of using 'foul language' and 'asking a man out for a fight' in a bar in Limerick.

Apparently the moustachioed Minister for Defence took exception to someone wanting to whine talk to him about the Shannon Aiport shinanegans when he asked, "Who is that big prick?" of his male accoster. Moments later he went on a charm offensive by telling the woman with the man, "I don't give a fuck about you" according to the couple.

I can foresee a couple of problems for both parties here. Firstly, I'm sure anyone in Limerick is far from easily offended at a bit of coarse language - especially given their penchant for stabbing/shooting/maiming each other. Secondly, Willie might be small, but he has a small army (excuse the pun) at his disposal to settle quables like this; and he's not too shy to pick up a gun himself.

Get a grip on yourselves everyone. Is this really newsworthy? As for the couple that complained: get a fucking grip on yourselves! Boo hoo hoo the small, 'tached man said bad words to me!!

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